Get in touch…
Learn more about our services – and how we’re helping companies tell their story to a new generation of print and business buyers.
Email: joanne@joannegorecommunications.com
Telephone: 416 543 7951
Skype: joanne.gore121
Follow Joanne:
Twitter: @joannegore121
LinkedIn: /joannegore121
The way we do business has begun to change. The way purchases are made has already changed. And the changes reflected in today’s consumer buying habits are now impacting the way businesses research and purchase equipment, technology and print.
Capturing – and keeping – the attention of a new generation of print and business buyers is impacting your bottom line
Key characteristics of tomorrow’s (and a good chunk of today’s) buying audience include how and what content is being consumed and shared and their approach to companies and brands. It’s no longer about how your content can drive sales, but about what your content can do for your audience.
Are you delivering a message that matters?
Or is your lean marketing team overloaded with lead generation, content creation, trade show & event planning or keeping up with social media?
The hats corporate/in-house marketers wear change frequently. At any given point your company’s marketing team is managing your events, creating buzz, generating leads, building your brand, talking to your community and managing your website. At times something as simple as a social media post can cripple even the most seasoned marketer.
Is your lean marketing team overloaded?
We’re here to help – where can you use an extra set of B2B marketing hands: